Tawny is now 18 and 1/2 years old, holy cow, that is an old cat! Oh my, that means Kerry and I have been married that long too. At least we haven't lost most of our teeth and I don't think our hearing is going, yet. And Golden says our eyes are spectacular for people "as old as you are", yikes! Tawny has been with us for so long it is sad to see her getting so old, she is a skinny, frail, old lady cat. We still love her though and she still likes to get drinks out of the bathtub. And someday maybe someone will leave more comments on my blog. :)
To the Steele family - I love your blog you guys. Love to see the grandkids and today I loved to see Tawny. My cat was her baby and she died at age 17 after (I think) eating tainted cat food purchased. She, too. always drank from the bath tub. Keep up the good work and pictures. Love, Mom