Tuesday we took our boys and cousin Jace up to Kelly Canyon for the afternoon. Here is Kieran carving down the hill. I was trying to get some good pictures of him for his facebook. Then I read a book in the lodge. My knee surgery is Friday. By next ski season, I should be ready for some real skiing again.

There were a few other people on the hill but the snow was awesome and the kids had a great time until the fog rolled in.

Kieran and Jace on the lift.

Go Jace!!

This was too funny not to post. Jace hurt his harm on a fall later in the day.

Kason was a total animal on the slopes. He went with Kerry everywhere!!! Here he is bombing the hill. He did great on Face and other more difficult areas, he loves it!

Kerry, nice ski's together style!

Fun day for Dad and boys!
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