Friday, August 20, 2010


While Kerry was out with Jemma in the yard on Sunday, he found this 4 foot long blow snake crawling across his path!! Yikes!! After giving it a knock out blow with a hoe, we took some time to get a good look at it.
Kason really enjoyed the whole thing and wanted to skin and tan the snake. I decided that pictures would just have to do.
The snake skin really was kinda neat a soft too. But, it was way to big for me to feel happy about it being in the yard!


  1. hey,
    I love your blog so much it's so fun to be on.
    I hope you all have a fun fall season.
    and that is a really cool snake hope you and your family are going well

  2. hey,
    I love your blog too.
    you and your family is cool.
    oh say hi to Lauren tell her I love her.
    hope you and your family have a great fall season.
    love MAYEREE
