While Kerry was out with Jemma in the yard on Sunday, he found this 4 foot long blow snake crawling across his path!! Yikes!! After giving it a knock out blow with a hoe, we took some time to get a good look at it. Kason really enjoyed the whole thing and wanted to skin and tan the snake. I decided that pictures would just have to do. The snake skin really was kinda neat a soft too. But, it was way to big for me to feel happy about it being in the yard!
Having Family Home Evening has always been a challenge. Really it seems we do a lot together as a family so I usually just forget to plan something more organized. Anyway, we had a fun evening together a making swords (boffering weapons) out of PVC pipe and pipe foam. We even talked about the use of swords in the scriptures too. I need to take a picture of all the finished weapons which got used at the family reunion for some friendly fighting.
At the Independence Day Celebration (which was on July 3rd this year), Kieran and his band KURU got their first gig. A family that lives right along the river invited them to play all evening and then watch the fireworks. There were lots of people down at the waterfront and they had a great time playing their music. Here are some of their biggest fans. The Melaleuca fireworks were awesome as usual!! The next day, on Sunday evening, we had our own fireworks at home. Here are a few of my favorite pictures.