Last month I took Kason and Lauren and a couple of her friends sledding on a little hill by the soccer fields. They had a ball!

Kason loves playing in the snow! I really need to take him sledding more!

He took his little snowboard too.

It is easy to see that he had a blast.

And so did Lauren, look at her go!!

These are two of her friends from school. Riley, who is in Mr. Wetzel's 5th grade class with Lauren is next to her. And below them is Celeste, who was on Lauren's basketball team. They had so much fun sledding!

Then, last Thursday Lauren had another great day with friends. While Kason and I where doing a video shoot in which he was an "extra" (more about that later and the reason for the Police Line yellow ribbon), she got to hang out with Rigby friends. This is Devynee, both friend and cousin.

And this is Mckenzie, who lived across the street from us in Rigby, she and Lauren have been friends since birth! They had some hair and makeup fun. Friends are awesome!
Lauren is growing up! She looked especially grown up with some makeup and her hair pulled back. What a cute girl.