Christmas goes by so fast!! I haven't found the time til now to post a few of our Christmas pictures. Here we are on Christmas Eve. After spending the afternoon with our friends the Schmitt's, we gathered around the tree for a few gifts. I always give the kids each a new pair of Christmas PJ's and a Christmas book. Then they give their gifts to each other and to Kerry and I. I love seeing how generous and thoughtful they are in their gift giving!

Afterward the gifts the kids entertained us with this year's Nativity Play. It was short and fun.

Christmas morning started at 8am (that's about like sleeping in). We had a great Christmas!
Here is Lauren with her new IPOD, I think she likes it.

Kason got plenty of GI Joe toys and some legos. He was so excited about Santa coming this year, we watched the Santa tracker on the internet.

Kieran was thrilled with his PS3, we will all get to benefit from it.

Amanda got an IPOD too, she wore her old one out!

I surprised Kerry with a new Taylor acoustic/electric guitar. Isn't it pretty!!

And he surprised me with a 9mm pistol and a flip video camcorder.
We spent some great time with our extended family both before and after the holiday. And even the weather was postcard perfect with frost covered trees and lightly falling snowflakes.
We all got spoiled and had a wonderful Christmas!
Fun!! And I love the cuppy cake song :)