We got to go jet skiing last week with some good friends of ours, the Schmitt's. It was a ton of fun and the first time we had tried to ride stand up jet ski's. It was great of them to invite us!

Here's Dustin and Kerry looking cool getting ready to ride. Dustin was my physical therapist after my knee surgery and did a great job for me!

Dustin made riding the jet ski's look easy. He did loose his glasses and skull cap to the belly of the lake shortly after this shot though.

Janet rode that jet ski all day and didn't even get her hair wet! No fair!

Here is their cute daughter Krista.

Lauren and Krista had a great day swimming and jumping off the boat and dock.

Kason wanted to look like he was riding the jet ski without having to actually do it. He sure is cute though!

Kerry caught on to riding very quick, partly by utilizing those rusty snowmobile skills. In spite of still recovering from his sprained ankle, he rode a lot and looked great doing it! He didn't even disturb the butterfly I was trying to photograph.

I got the hang of riding the jet ski's pretty quick too and loved it! If we get jet ski's in the future I am going to totally blame Dustin and Janet!

Kieran already knew that he would love the jet ski's and he did.

And then he had some fun wake boarding, lucky boy!

And I had to post this great wipe out picture too just to show the hair!
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