Monday, August 31, 2009

Last Day of August, First Day of School

The kids started school this morning. Kason is in 2nd grade in Mrs. Gerard’s class. His friends sure were excited to see him this morning. Lauren is in 5th grade in Mr. Wetzel’s class, both of them at Westside. She had butterflies in her stomach today, sure makes me remember the first day of school excitement. Kieran is in 8th grade at Eagle Rock and happy not to be a 7th grader anymore. He has one class at Skyline, Algebra 2, and was happy to get to school to see his friends. And Amanda is in 11th grade online public school with seminary (Book of Mormon) and Lincoln-Douglas Debate at Skyline. I hope she enjoys debate, she is nervous about it but I think she’ll be very good at it.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Orange ya happy!

Happy days! I got my first new set of pans ever! They are Rachel Ray pans from Sam's Club and were only $99 but they are great. Funny how new pans can just make you happy. Cooking somehow seems more fun.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

More shots from Utah trip.

While the crazies in the family were riding the wild rides Kason and I were enjoying the giant ferris wheel. We had fun on the Merry-Go-Round too, much more our speed.
Kason and Kerry having fun outside the motel on a different sort of ride.
Our first try at PF Chang's. YUMMY!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Lagoon Fun!

We spent the day at Lagoon last Tuesday. Kerry, Kieran and Amanda braved the Sky Dive ride.
Here is a short video of the event. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

5 Baby Bunnies!

These little bunnies are so cute we can hardly stand it!! Lauren just loves them, can you tell? We had 3 batches of bunnies that died but these have thrived. There are five in all, 2 black, 1 grey, one butterscotch and one gry/butterscotch/light colored. (the one pictured above) They are 17 days old and we let them out to play on the grass for the first time today and got some cute pictures.
Here is the super fast grey one. We are deciding on names for them. If you want a bunny let us know. :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Is it Spring or Summer or Fall?

It seems like spring at our house because we have new little animals. These are our kittens. Ivo (named after the Sackett series of Louis Lamour books) is the black male and Toff (aka Teeka) is the grey female. We are hoping they will be the useful kind of cat that kills mice and chases off stray cats. So far they are cute and spunky.
We also have 5 baby bunnies that are two weeks old now and so stinking cute!! I will post pictures of them later.
It really is summer but the weather feels more like fall. So I guess we are seasonally cunfused.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jet Skiing Fun!

We got to go jet skiing last week with some good friends of ours, the Schmitt's. It was a ton of fun and the first time we had tried to ride stand up jet ski's. It was great of them to invite us!
Here's Dustin and Kerry looking cool getting ready to ride. Dustin was my physical therapist after my knee surgery and did a great job for me!
Dustin made riding the jet ski's look easy. He did loose his glasses and skull cap to the belly of the lake shortly after this shot though.
Janet rode that jet ski all day and didn't even get her hair wet! No fair!
Here is their cute daughter Krista.Lauren and Krista had a great day swimming and jumping off the boat and dock.
Kason wanted to look like he was riding the jet ski without having to actually do it. He sure is cute though!
Kerry caught on to riding very quick, partly by utilizing those rusty snowmobile skills. In spite of still recovering from his sprained ankle, he rode a lot and looked great doing it! He didn't even disturb the butterfly I was trying to photograph.
I got the hang of riding the jet ski's pretty quick too and loved it! If we get jet ski's in the future I am going to totally blame Dustin and Janet!
Kieran already knew that he would love the jet ski's and he did.
And then he had some fun wake boarding, lucky boy!
And I had to post this great wipe out picture too just to show the hair!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Great News!

Yesterday my brother-in-law, Travis, got to go home from the hospital after spending more than 8 weeks recovering from a near fatal motorcycle accident. (This picture was two weeks before.) We are so happy for him and his family that they are all able to be at home to continue to heal and be together! We continue to send our love and continued prayers to them. They have been truly blessed and will continue to be as they travel down the road God has placed in front of them. We love you all!

I have a link to the blog for Travis just to the left of this post if you want more info.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Girls Camp 2009

So I got to go to Girls Camp this year, first time since I was in young women's myself. We went to Camp Cumorah which is about 15 miles past the Bone Store and only about 40 minutes from my house. The camp was awesome, electricity and water in the tent only sites that also had tables, and bences around the fire rings. We had beautiful bathrooms with indivual toilet and shower rooms and plenty of hot water. Newly built last year, the girls and leaders were spoiled to camp there. Our ward is small, we had 12 girls at camp but it was a fun experience.

Here are the great group of ladies I get to work with in our 39th Ward Young Women's Program.
Arlene Nef is the President, Beth Campbell first Counselor, I am 2nd, Heather Bradshaw works with me in beehives, Jenny Peterson with Laurels, and Tracey Morgan was our terrific camp director. Stephanie Reed wasn't there but works with the Mia Maids.
The second day of camp we went on a 6 mile hike. Dad was there as priesthood for his ward and we hiked a fair portion of the hike with him. Here he is with Amanda. In spite of Dad's recovering knee and mine too, we both made it through the hike faster than most of the group and neither of us had much to complain about. :)

Kerry and the kids had fun while we were gone. They got to go to Downata to swim and also went boating. They may want me gone again next year so they can get their Dad alone for more fun times.