I just can't let go of Christmas this year. We even listened to more Christmas music today! When I was a kid, each Christmas Eve found my brothers and sisters and I acting out the Christmas Nativity Story. Usually I was the director and except for one year that we did a real play with speaking parts, the script usually was straight out of the bible. There were so many of us that we could have a dozen or more shepherds and angels! Okay, an exaggeration, but there were plenty of kids to fill the many parts. We even had special lighting effects and painted backgrounds sometimes. Yes, those were the good old days when Brady Bunch re-runs were the only other entertainment option.
My kids on the other hand have to play multiple parts just to get the sacred story accomplished. This year Amanda was director/program designer/and Mary, Kieran got the easy job of just being Joseph after having him play the violin got forfeited, Lauren was narrator/a heavenly host of angels/and song leader, Kason was inn keeper and several shepherds proclaiming Christ's birth. Anyway the play was great and the kids cute as pie! Merry Christmas!!!!
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