Tuesday, April 28, 2009

4-wheeler Family

On Saturday we stopped at Kim and Kimmie's for a visit. They recently bought two new 4-wheeler's for their bigger girls so I couldn't resist a picture. Don't they look cute! And so color coordinated! Going to the dunes will be lots of fun for them this year.
Kason and Lauren had fun testing out the new wheels too!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

More goings on.

Here are a couple of other pictures from the past week. Kason lost one of his very stubby front teeth! It was hard to tell it was even loose because it was so short. Lets hope he doesn't wear off his permanent teeth like he did these baby ones!
We bought a 2001 Buick Park Avenue for $4900 down in Brigham City, Utah. It is in awesome shape and had 91,000 miles. Kerry will use it as a commuter car, it is so nice and plush!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Warm Weather = work

Something about nice weather makes you get outside and get to work. This past weekend we worked on our ditch pump and got it leveled and attached a new hose/foot. Then we burned the ditch bank, did some raking, washed all of the vehicles............ we spent the whole day outside getting things done and enjoying the fabulous weather. Kason thought burning the ditch was great fun!
We put Kieran on the pump repair job with us. Amanda spent her day serving ice cream at Reed's Dairy.

Here is Lauren enjoying the nice day with her bunny.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Kieran's busy week/life.

Kieran is a busy kid! He keeps good grades, practices daily with the Eagle Rock Track Team and plays spring basketball two mornings and one evening a week. He also is busy with scouts, orchestra and his puppy. We see him every once in a while. :)

He decided to run for student body office this week too. He ran for the only office 8th graders fill, student representative. Here he is putting his posters together.
He had to give a speech in front of the 7th graders and managed to get them all standing and cheering. He won the election and will get to go to Boise next school year with the student council.
His favorite track event is the discus. He got second place at the meet last week and third at the most recent meet.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

More Easter fun!

Easter egg hunters ready, set, go!! These kids had a great Easter egg hunt! It was fun to have cousins to find candy filled eggs with.
We had a work up wiffle softball game after the Easter egg hunt. It was a beautiful and fun day!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter was here!

This should have been posted yesterday but Happy Easter anyway!
Here is some of our Easter weekend.
We put up an octagon kennel for the dogs.
We built and painted a new rabbit hutch similar to the other one so that we don't have any more baby bunnies that die.

Played with Jasper.
Jumped bikes.

Jumped remote control truck.
Jumped the remote control truck over people. Just to keep thing interesting.
Hope you had a great Easter. More weekend pictures coming.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Skiing one last time!

Kerry and Kieran got to go skiing and snowboarding one last time for the year last Tuesday.
Grand Targhee had a great two for one special and Kieran loved the much bigger mountain and lifts. It was a gorgeous day!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fair Weather Football

We finally had a day with beautiful weather!! A game of backyard pajama football came of it.
Here is one team in their huddle, Kerry, Kason and Jasper.
Now lined up against their opponents, Kieran and Lauren.
It was a fun game, too bad my knee won't let me be in the game instead of on the sideline.
Kieran even used the trees as blockers. Jasper's team won.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sack of Potatoes

Jasper posing as a sack of potatoes.
And if it is late and you are having fun with Photoshop it is Captain Morgan and the alien dog.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tiger Ears

If you grew up in SE Idaho then you have probably been to the fair in Blackfoot. If you have been to that fair then you know about the Tiger Ears. The line is always long but the thin crispy Tiger Ears dripping with cinnamon sugar or honey butter sure are yummy!

Below is the recipe for SE Idaho Tiger Ears that I found on the internet. I use it every week to make the scones for our "Steele Soup and Scone Sunday". I have had several requests for the recipe so hear it is. I make 1/2 of the scone batch for my family, the 1/2 batch makes about 20-24 scones.


In mixing bowl:

Dissolve 3 cups warm water, 2 Tbs dry yeast, 1 Tbs. sugar and let sit 5 minutes.

Add: 1 cup sugar, 2 tsp salt, 1/3 cup oil, 7 (approx.) cups flour, knead 5 min.

Let raise approx 2 hours.

Pull off ball of dough and roll in a bit of flour, then flatten thin and cook in oil til golden. Extra dough can be made into rolls and baked.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


We watched "The Kid" the other night as a family. A good show with a dog in it like ours. In the movie the boy wants to know what a "hickey" is. Kason piped right up and said he knew what a hickey was, "it's a guy that drives around in a colorful van wearing the necklace that has the circle with lines across it". So just to clarify, this is a hickey van:whose driver wears a necklace like this:
whose hickey kid would look something like this.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Springtime in Idaho

This is how we make cookies in the spring.And it is so bright out we just have to wear shades! :)